Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Under the Sea

My sister-in-law Heather called me recently and asked me to make a tutu and a tutu dress for a 6 year old. She said the little girls favorite colors are blue and green. This is what I came up with for the tutu. I think it turned out pretty good! "Under the sea" tutu

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Big girls like Tutus too!!

Bailey is always complaining that she doesn't get to be my model as much as Presley. So she was VERY excited when I received an order for an 11 year old a couple of weeks ago. The mom who placed the order said her daughter was VERY girly and would probably wear her tutu everywhere. I thought she did a great job in choosing the colors. It turned out really pretty if I do say so myself! :) The model is kinda cute too!